Sunday, November 20, 2011

The First Step

Since this is a green business blog, I must start things by discussing how most entrepreneurs and businessmen start doing business and that is by looking for opportunities.

What are opportunities? Where do we find them?

I have often heard the reason why most people don't or are hesitant to start a business is because they think that profitable ventures or ideas have already been done, and that there are no more useful things that can be offered as a product or as a service. While it is true that by just looking around, we are being presented with a lot of choices - from consumer products such as cell phones, cars, watches, etc. to personal services such as spas, restaurants and hair salons to name a few.

It is also true that because of the lifestyle we have currently, more problems or concerns arise.

These problems can be the breeding ground for unexplored opportunities. Let me cite City Delivery 87878 as an example. It used to be that big food establishments are the only ones who can deliver food to our offices or our homes. A few years ago, we had no choice but to dial a fast-food's number if we want to eat at the comfort of our own home. But City Delivery changed all that...

On there website,, they mention that they have partnered with more than a hundred food merchants within Metro Manila. What does this mean for you? You can now get food that you are craving for by just going through their website or by calling them up. You have more choices than before.

Furthermore, the partner merchants don't have to invest in a delivery service that would entail more capital expenditure on their side. They just partner-up with City Delivery and they can instantly serve more customers.

Let me cite another example. My sister uses our broadband connection to teach Koreans and Japanese students English. She gets paid for that without having to spend time commuting nor going from one-place to another. She just downloaded Skype and took some tests for her to qualify as an instructor, and once she passed she can teach English already.

You don't have to start a business with a lot of capital. Just start small and learn the steps from there. Once you are comfortable enough, you can already invest your money or look for partners to help you grow your business.

The important step is identifying a problem and see whether you can solve it. If you can solve it, ask these questions:

1. How many people are experiencing this problem?
2. How much time and effort would it take for me to solve this problem?
3. How much money will my 'clients' be willing to pay for me to solve the problem?
4. Can my system be copied? Or am I the only one who has the expertise to solve the problem?

I will be helping you see and decide a business you can venture into in the next blog.